And so it begins …

Yesterday, we spent time letting each rat explore the experimental apparatus.  We hope they will habituate to the new environment before we begin the trials for the experiment.  Today, I worked with Lilly on clicker training to come to the appropriate corner for food in the new experimental apparatus (i.e. to the front left corner in the Tupperware container).  By the end of our session, when I clicked the clicker she would occasionally come to the correct corner.  It seems to be a faster process this time than when I first clicker trained her in the aquarium. 

 Good luck on your experiments, everyone! 

One thought on “And so it begins …

  1. Awesome, Julianna. Your experiment is very interesting. I’m anxious to hear and see your results. I was wondering how Lilly moves about in the Tupperware container. I considered plastic, but was worried their feet would slide about. Any trouble there?

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